Okey, let's talk about this movie. 

 Esther 4:14

 For if you keep silent at this time, relief and deliverance will rise for the Jews from another place, but you and your father’s house will perish. And who knows whether you have not come to the kingdom for such a time as this?

 The Book of Esther, emphasizes the value of courage, faith and obedience.
Esther becomes King Xerxes' queen, When you read the whole book of Esther in the Bible, you can probably say that this movie does stick with the purpose of the story.
King Xerxes, promoted Haman and advanced him and set his throne above all the officials who were with him. But Haman's plan is something horrible for Mordecai (Esther's cousins) and Jewish people.
 You can say that whatever Haman's suggestion to the King. The King will always grant it because he thinks that Haman is a faithful servant.
When Queen Esther heard about the news, it's up to her to win the favors of the King and save the Jewish people from Haman's treachery.
 Although, when you read the Bible, when the King saw that Haman was falling on the couch where Esther was, King Xerxes immediately summoned the royal guards  to hang his head on the gallows which Haman prepared for Mordecai.
But in the movie, King Xerxes would like Haman to present the case about Jews and he allowed Mordecai to depend the Jews.
Haman said that "Jewish people Honor their God and despised their King."
Mordecai included that "Whoever disobey the king will disobey the God."
 But Haman ask "What if the majesty commanded one thing and God commanded another? Who then, Mordecai who will obey?"
 Mordecai answered "...for  you majesty I owe my living.. but to my God.. I owe my life."
Queen Esther speaks in behalf of Mordecai. She asked if there is something that Mordecai has been disobey? She then asked the King the same question asked by Haman.
Then the King answered "I would have a man (who) follow in his conscience. For even kings had been known to makes mistakes.."
 King Xerxes learned that Haman is a treason and not Mordecai. He summoned the royal guards to hang him on the gallows.. and so on..
 When you watch the movie it feels like you're watching it in theater..but If I rate it in 1-10, 10 is the highest and 1 is the lowest. I'll give 7. Quite great but I expect more of it!

Enjoy watching!
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